The impact that we have

Last week was an interesting week.  It’s a busy time of year and traditionally fairly hectic as people try to get their projects over the line before Christmas.  So high intensity – but I had two things during the week I was really looking forward to. The first was a session with Jane Frankland on… Continue Reading The impact that we have

PKCS8 files and Windows Crypto API

Parts of the Windows Crypto API are quite well documented (particularly the original CAPI stuff).  Other parts….. I’ve been trying to get PKCS8 files working between OpenSSL and Windows.  The Import/Export on Windows is so badly documented I eventually resorted to ASN.1 decodes and header file trawls to find what I needed. Anyway – if… Continue Reading PKCS8 files and Windows Crypto API

Adding Jars in Android Studio

I seem to always add little posts about trivial things that messed me up. Android studio 1.0.2 – couldn’t work out how to access the libs dir to add a jar file from another project I have. So simply copy it by hand into the libs directory (under app – same level as src). Then… Continue Reading Adding Jars in Android Studio

WELD-001301 on Glassfish

Just ran into a great error on upgrading to Glassfish 4.  Couple of references to it from Google but no solution. Glassfish log: [2013-12-22T07:02:51.014+1100] [glassfish 4.0] [SEVERE] [] [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: _ThreadID=36 _ThreadName=admin-listener(4)] [timeMillis: 1387656171014] [levelValue: 1000] [[   Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001301 Annotation @org.glassfish.api.admin.RestEndpoints(value=[@org.glassfish.api.admin.RestEndpoint(description=disable-secure-admin, path=disable-secure-admin, opType=POST, params=[], useForAuthorization=false, configBean=interface com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain)])… Continue Reading WELD-001301 on Glassfish

Implementating a SSA/AP proxy

I’ve been messing around with the Windows LSA and implementing my own authentication package. It’s all part of an authentication server I’m building.  The *NIX component (a PAM module) was pulled together in an afternoon. Windows is a slightly different story….. As always, MSDN has great documentation on the APIs, but there is not a lot… Continue Reading Implementating a SSA/AP proxy

How many people will get burnt with IPV6 tunnels?

I have just spent the arvo playing with IPv6 and brought up a tunnel using my web server as the tunnel endpoint in my network. Next thing I know every machine on the network (OS X/Windows/Linux) have been allocated IPv6 addresses in the /56 network I requested from the broker.  Turns out I activated the… Continue Reading How many people will get burnt with IPV6 tunnels?

Glassfish 3.1.1 won’t log FINE

I just upgraded from Glassfish 3.1 to 3.1.1 and all logging for my app below INFO (i.e. FINE/FINER/FINEST) stopped working.  Turns out there is a bug that normally expresses itself by stopping logging working altogether.  I think another symptom is glassfish starts to ignore logging if the level for the particular logger is set to… Continue Reading Glassfish 3.1.1 won’t log FINE

JAAS and GlassFish – and “interesting” exercise

Well – JAAS and GlassFish. I naively assumed this would be easy to get to work. It’s not. I started out by building a login module that extended AppservPasswordLoginModule and plugging it directly into login.conf. I then created a Realm that used it and continued on my merry way. The moment I tried to extend… Continue Reading JAAS and GlassFish – and “interesting” exercise

Nice Sample Project for iPhone RSA Key and Trust Handling

Patrick Hogan has done a great project on GitHub – IOS Certificate Key and Trust Sample Project – that pulls together all the concepts for RSA key importing/exporting and handling. It’s used some of the code from my import and export posts + code from a few other places together with his own work. Great… Continue Reading Nice Sample Project for iPhone RSA Key and Trust Handling